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09 de February 2016

Lorca, a city in the Region of Murcia with so many things to discover. It is not just a beautiful city, but its charm is also a consequence of the people living there, the culture and the traditions they have. One of those interesting traditions is Lorca's Holy Week: unique and different from the rest. We invite you to experience this event while staying at our Parador de Lorca. Do you want to know more about it?

08 de February 2016

In the province of Málaga, in Andalusia, we find a little village that belongs to the Axarquía region. Its name is Nerja, and in latest years it has become one of the most touristic and beloved places in the south of Spain. The beauty of it is undeniable.

03 de February 2016

While most Spanish cities are incredibly beautiful by default, certain ones are especially so in the winter. Such is the case with Segovia, the delightful, Castilian town that takes on a special flair when its many monuments -including the idyllic Alcázar fortress, the ancient Roman Aqueduct and the soaring Cathedral tower- are dusted frosty-white with snow.

02 de February 2016

You may have heard of Vilalba, a little village in the north of Spain, in the province of Lugo, that stays as a crossing point on the northern Way of Saint James. Right in this village, we invite you to visit and stay at our magnificent Parador de Vilalba, a hotel placed in a beautiful tower in the middle of the village. Do you want to know more about this nice place in Galicia?

02 de February 2016

Spain has a lot of History on its back, and so it happens with some of its cities. We have selected some of the oldest cities in Spain for you to get to know a bit more about the country. The best part of it is the fact that you can discover these cities while staying at our exclusive Paradores hotels in those cities.

02 de February 2016

Are you looking for a fun and entertaining plan with your children? Have you thought of introducing them to the interesting, curious and surprising world of Science? Come to our Paradores in Spain and discover how many options you have! Let you children feel closer to this amazing world!

02 de February 2016

Who doesn't feel amazed by the beauty of a waterfall? In Spain, we cannot say we have something as awesome as the Niagara Falls, but we still have some really nice waterfalls that deserve to be visited if you have the chance. Near our  Parador de Argómaniz as well as next to our Parador de La Palma, there are two beautiful waterfalls you cannot miss. Do you want to know which ones we are talking about?

29 de January 2016

Looking to celebrate your timeless love this Valentine's Day? Treat your partner to an unforgettable holiday in Spain with stays at Paradores' luxury and historic hotels' most spectacular castle locations.

27 de January 2016

The Canary Islands are perfect for everybody. Each of them has a special charm that captivates a different type of person. That is why we have one Parador hotel in some of the different islands, so that you can choose the most appropriate island for you. Tell us what kind of person you are and we will tell you which island must be your choice.

25 de January 2016

Still not sure where to begin your travels with Paradores this year? Having trouble making up your mind? Need a bit of inspiration to decide which of our enchanting hotels to choose? 

Here are the 10 Paradores that received the highest ratings in 2015* from our Amigos de Paradores members. The loyalty club for our hotels and restaurants now has over 700,000 members.

22 de January 2016

Paradores hotels are always paying attention at your comfort. We always want you to experience the best stay ever, and that is why we take care of every single detail at our hotels. Our common areas are part of what this comfort is about. Some of our Paradores have beautiful courtyards in their insides where you can enjoy a relaxing break during your stay. Let's get to know some of them!


22 de January 2016

The Ruta del Cares is one of the most famous routes in the Picos de Europa National Park. Have you ever heard of it? We will tell you more about this beautiful and interesting route you can do if you stay at our Parador de Cangas de Onís and if you want to explore this natural environment like no other.

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