
Restaurant of the Parador de Ribadeo

The genuine taste of the Bay of Biscay

Restaurant of the Parador de Ribadeo

Amador Fernández, 7, 27700, Ribadeo (Lugo)
icono telefono +34 982128825
imagen plato Ribadeo

The genuine taste of the Bay of Biscay

The Parador de Ribadeo is a standard-bearer for Galician cuisine, with the fish and seafood of this coastal enclave as the undisputed star ingredients. You can enjoy traditional dishes such as empanada, lacón, rice with lobster from the Bay of Biscay, hake or its exquisite Cebreiro ice cream.

Restaurant of the Parador de Ribadeo

Standard-bearer of Galician seafood

With the best views of the estuary, the Galician landscape and charming Asturian villages, at the Parador’s restaurant we offer you a delicious gastronomic experience with the unsurpassable quality of products from the sea, our estuary and the Lugo market garden. Try their rice dishes, Galician octopus, seafood recipes or their delicious sirloin steak with Cebreiro cheese sauce.

imagen restaurante Ribadeo
Carta Parador de Ribadeo
Carta del Restaurante en el Parador

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