We are addicted to smartphones, constantly looking at a screen. It's time to switch off for a while! Forget about social networks, set your WhatsApp groups to silent and get away from your computer for some days, it's time for a "digital detox".

They emerge in the middle of the ocean as a protective barrier of the littoral, a natural containment against the untamed Atlantic. It has the most beautiful beach in the world, found in the Cíes, the cold Caribbean of the Atlantic, and the largest laurel forest on the continent. And its sea depths are a natural wonder. Here you will find Rodas, the best beach of the world (The Guardina, 2007)

Praia de Rodas Islas Cies JM Reyero CENEAM

Are you fed up with spending all day cooped up inside the office or sitting in oppressive traffic? Tired of always looking at the same thing day after day, week after week? Plan a tour with us and discover the most amazing views and scenery. At Paradores, we have just the relief your eyes are looking for.

Do you like to head out on vacation just as everyone else is about to return home, but you want to be sure to enjoy good weather? The Canary Islands are always an option for vacationers looking for peace and quiet, unique scenery and Paradores in landscapes you won't find on the peninsula. What more reason do you need to choose the Canaries as your destination for a fond farewell to the month of August?

1. Cliff views from the Parador de Cruz de Tejeda

For those seeking a travel destination that is surrounded by nature, exceptionally well-maintained and offers numerous outdoor activities, unique scenery and maximum relaxation! Today we take you to Doñana, a space recognized as a Biosphere Reserve in a National Park that has been declared a World Heritage Site. This Parador has everything you need to rest up, recharge and return from your vacation completely revitalized.

There was once a time when the boardwalk was one of the most dangerous routes in the world. This trail, located in the province of Malaga, was inaugurated in 1921 by King Alfonso XII, though it had been used for many years prior to this by the Hydroelectric Power station El Chorro workers between 1901 and 1905, as they undertook maintenance work on the Gaitanejo and Chorro gorges. Let's take a journey to Malaga to follow the footsteps of the Kings on the Caminito del Rey boardwalk.

A favorite among diving aficionados, El Hierro Island is always an excellent choice for short getaway where you can enjoy truly unique underwater depths. And of course, there is the Parador de El Hierro, a delightful oceanside hotel, the perfect setting-off point for your exploration of the island's secrets.