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18 de November 2013

Migas, or fried breadcrumbs, are a hallmark of Spanish cuisine and a standard winter meal, so much so that several cities have their own gastronomic routes celebrating this traditional peasant food. Give your taste buds a treat and sample this dish from the comfort of Paradores' luxury hotels in Toledo, Alcalá and Albacete, three cities famous for this delicacy.

18 de November 2013

As 2013 draws to a close, why not toast the year that's gone by in unrivalled comfort with luxury hotel chain Paradores? Enjoy delicious Spanish cuisine and lively music with a New Year's Eve escape at the Paradores in Granada, Nerja, Málaga or El Saler.

Greet the New Year like royalty

Want to give 2013 a royal send-off? Celebrate the holiday at Parador Granada, located within the iconic Alhambra compound with unbelievable views of the Generalife Palace and the Sierra Nevada mountains.

12 de November 2013

Summer, a time to relax and slow down for a while. And what better way to do so than by enjoying a siesta with a sea view?

Here are four essential destinations for the best afternoon snooze. Shall we get started?

1. Beach Club at the Parador de Aiguablava

A siesta in a cove on the Costa Brava? This is just the spot you've been searching for. And when you wake up, you can enjoy a nice refreshing cocktail in this new space, the must-visit spot for a perfect summer.

12 de November 2013

Each summer for over 60 years now Mérida and Almagro have become must-visit destinations for anyone interested in a getaway that offers a combination of relaxation, gastronomy, tourism and culture!

08 de November 2013

At the Parador de Santiago we invite 10 pilgrims to eat each day? We'll tell you all about it.

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