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28 de December 2015

Our Paradores are all over Spain. Some of them are located in big cities, but some others are placed in little village some people may not know about. Shall we discover them?


22 de December 2015

Have you ever heard of Comillas? It is a little village in Cantabria that's also known as La Villa Quijano, and it is some kilometres away from our Parador de Santillana del Mar. This charming village has a special building called "El Capricho de Gaudí". It is a singular construction with an interesting background to learn about. From Paradores we want to tell you about this architectonic treasure.

21 de December 2015

Everyone loves to remember their trips by taking beautiful pictures of them, as well as to talk about our trips by showing pictures of them. It is always nicer if our pictures are good pictures in which beauty and fun is represented. Let's learn some basic tips to take the best travelling pictures when coming to Paradores.

21 de December 2015

Are you an ocean lover? Do you feel attracted by ocean fauna and maritime species? Are you coming to Spain with your children and you want to visit something for them to enjoy? If so, we have what you are looking for. Spain counts with a wide variety of Aquariums all over the country. That's why, we have selected some the ones that are near our Paradores, so that you can plan your visit to them during your time in Spain. Let's get started... under the sea!


21 de December 2015

Spain isn't known as the "land of castles" for nothing. The country's landscape is peppered with many fine examples of royal lodgings that are open to visitors.

17 de December 2015

What did you know about New Year's Eve celebrations in Spain? Have you heard of the Spanish tradition of eating one grape per clock stroke at 12? And what about going to cities' Main Squares to celebrate it? From Paradores, we want to introduce you to this Spanish tradition of celebrating New Year's Eve from north to south of the country!


Plaza Mayor de Valladolid, Valladolid

16 de December 2015

Salt mines in Spain have always been places of important economic activity, but they ended up being places of special beauty and interesting natural charm too. From Paradores, we are going to tell you about three interesting salt mines in Spain you may want to visit during your stay in Spain.


Salt mines of La Trinidad

15 de December 2015

Winter is coming... and we want you to enjoy it with us! If you enjoy majesty and medieval style, you have to come to our medieval Paradores this Winter. Do you want to know our suggestions? 


Parador de Oropesa

14 de December 2015

Don't you have a New Year's Eve getaway plan yet? If you want to celebrate it in an idyllic place, to wake up the first day of the year 2016 at a charming hotel enjoying a special gastronomic offer, check out this New Year's Eve 2015 Paradores destinations!

11 de December 2015

Do you want to know about some more Spanish World Heritage Sites? Let's talk about Mérida, Santiago de Compostela and Toledo, three charming cities where our Paradores want to host you.

World Heritage Site: Mérida

10 de December 2015

The city of Avilés is one of the most famous and important ones in the Principado de Asturias after Oviedo and the city of Gijón, where our Parador de Gijón awaits you. 

Parador de Gijón

Parador de Gijón

09 de December 2015

The luxurious hotel chain of Paradores has been traditionally known because of the historical buildings, castles and monasteriesr. However, there are some really nice examples of Paradores that integrate a perfect modern style that makes them have a different charm. If you are a modern style lover, check them out.

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